Thursday, August 28, 2008


A slideshow of just a few--ha-ha, well, less than half--of the photos from my recent trip upstate to Delaware County in the Catskills.

All photos (c)2008, Eva Yaa Asantewaa


Aval said...

Wow, I think what I most appreciate about this set of photos is how you have captured the hidden life all around us. I have tromped through the woods never knowing where to look but again you have stopped me and shown me...there's beauty in a mushroom? inside a flower? and oh my goodness I think you could even find the pattern of beauty in my rotten bananas. (i.e. there is decaying fruit on my counter and i really liked the pics of the berries).

Thank you again. Always a joy to view your work.

Eva Yaa Asantewaa said...

You're welcome and thank YOU for your rich comments. I have to give big props to my friends Gerry and Lauren who shared the beauty and intricate wonder of their grand surroundings and pointed out many little things--especially the mushrooms--that tend to go unnoticed!
They led us to the berries, too, and helped us pick so many to carry home that we have just now finished them up! Yum! :-)